Product Description
SupraChem Guard 7100 is a targeted performance antifoulant that is specifically formulated for feedwaters with the highest potential for fouling by silt, organics, colloids and fine particulates. A special utility of Guard 7100 is its application as an anti-deposition agent for colloidal matter in sea and brackish surface waters, and industrial and municipal wastewaters.
It prevents the coagulation and subsequent membrane fouling by colloidal organic matter which includes humic acid, lignin, tannin, microorganisms, polysaccharides, lipids, proteins, cellular debris and organic polymers from water treatment and inorganic colloids including silica, clay, silt, sulfur and various microcrystalline precipitates.
- Specifically formulated to control high concentrations of colloidal and organic particles.
- Inhibits coagulation and deposition of organic and inorganic colloidal particles.
- Strong dispersing capabilities.
- This antifoulant can be blended with other SupraChem pretreatments such as SupraChem antiscalants to reduce chemical dosing equipment.
- Compatible with RO, NF, and UF membranes from all major manufacturers. Compatible with all of the leading RO membrans
In the dosage range of 1 - 100 mg/L (neat), By monitoring the concentrate stream and trend charts using Dose level projections software, optimal dosage can be achieved for the control of foulants. SupraChem Guard 7100 should be injected into the feed stream prior to the static mixer and cartridge filter.
: Clear liquid
Product pH (neat)
: 9.0 – 10.5
Specific Gravit
: 1.03 ± 0.05
Feedwater pH
: 2.0 – 14.0
Avoid spilling, skin and eye contact. Observe good chemical hygiene practices. Please read the label and Material Safety Data Sheet before handling this product.
25 kg (net weight) Plastic drums
230 kg (net weight) Plas